/*! * angular-translate - v2.11.0 - 2016-03-20 * * Copyright (c) 2016 The angular-translate team, Pascal Precht; Licensed MIT */ !function(a,b){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd? // AMD. Register as an anonymous module unless amdModuleId is set define([],function(){return b()}):"object"==typeof exports? // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but // only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, // like Node. module.exports=b():b()}(this,function(){function a(a){"use strict";var b=a.storageKey(),c=a.storage(),d=function(){var d=a.preferredLanguage();angular.isString(d)?a.use(d):c.put(b,a.use())};d.displayName="fallbackFromIncorrectStorageValue",c?c.get(b)?a.use(c.get(b))["catch"](d):d():angular.isString(a.preferredLanguage())&&a.use(a.preferredLanguage())}function b(){"use strict";var a,b,c=null,// TODO change to either 'sanitize', 'escape' or ['sanitize', 'escapeParameters'] in 3.0. d=!1,e=!1;b={sanitize:function(a,b){return"text"===b&&(a=g(a)),a},escape:function(a,b){return"text"===b&&(a=f(a)),a},sanitizeParameters:function(a,b){return"params"===b&&(a=h(a,g)),a},escapeParameters:function(a,b){return"params"===b&&(a=h(a,f)),a}},b.escaped=b.escapeParameters,this.addStrategy=function(a,c){return b[a]=c,this},this.removeStrategy=function(a){return delete b[a],this},this.useStrategy=function(a){return d=!0,c=a,this},this.$get=["$injector","$log",function(f,g){var h={},i=function(a,c,d){return angular.forEach(d,function(d){if(angular.isFunction(d))a=d(a,c);else if(angular.isFunction(b[d]))a=b[d](a,c);else{if(!angular.isString(b[d]))throw new Error("pascalprecht.translate.$translateSanitization: Unknown sanitization strategy: '"+d+"'");if(!h[b[d]])try{h[b[d]]=f.get(b[d])}catch(e){throw h[b[d]]=function(){},new Error("pascalprecht.translate.$translateSanitization: Unknown sanitization strategy: '"+d+"'")}a=h[b[d]](a,c)}}),a},j=function(){d||e||(g.warn("pascalprecht.translate.$translateSanitization: No sanitization strategy has been configured. This can have serious security implications. See http://angular-translate.github.io/docs/#/guide/19_security for details."),e=!0)};return f.has("$sanitize")&&(a=f.get("$sanitize")),{useStrategy:function(a){return function(b){a.useStrategy(b)}}(this),sanitize:function(a,b,d){if(c||j(),arguments.length<3&&(d=c),!d)return a;var e=angular.isArray(d)?d:[d];return i(a,b,e)}}}];var f=function(a){var b=angular.element("
");// not chainable, see #1044 return b.text(a),b.html()},g=function(b){if(!a)throw new Error("pascalprecht.translate.$translateSanitization: Error cannot find $sanitize service. Either include the ngSanitize module (https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngSanitize) or use a sanitization strategy which does not depend on $sanitize, such as 'escape'.");return a(b)},h=function(a,b,c){if(angular.isObject(a)){var d=angular.isArray(a)?[]:{};if(c){if(c.indexOf(a)>-1)throw new Error("pascalprecht.translate.$translateSanitization: Error cannot interpolate parameter due recursive object")}else c=[];// remove last return c.push(a),angular.forEach(a,function(a,e){d[e]=h(a,b,c)}),c.splice(-1,1),d}return angular.isNumber(a)?a:b(a)}}function c(a,b,c,d){"use strict";var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u={},v=[],w=a,x=[],y="translate-cloak",z=!1,A=!1,B=".",C=!1,D=0,E=!0,F="default",G={"default":function(a){return(a||"").split("-").join("_")},java:function(a){var b=(a||"").split("-").join("_"),c=b.split("_");return c.length>1?c[0].toLowerCase()+"_"+c[1].toUpperCase():b},bcp47:function(a){var b=(a||"").split("_").join("-"),c=b.split("-");return c.length>1?c[0].toLowerCase()+"-"+c[1].toUpperCase():b},"iso639-1":function(a){var b=(a||"").split("_").join("-"),c=b.split("-");return c[0].toLowerCase()}},H="2.11.0",I=function(){ // internal purpose only if(angular.isFunction(d.getLocale))return d.getLocale();var a,c,e=b.$get().navigator,f=["language","browserLanguage","systemLanguage","userLanguage"]; // support for HTML 5.1 "navigator.languages" if(angular.isArray(e.languages))for(a=0;ac;c++)if(a[c]===b)return c;return-1},L=function(){return this.toString().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")},M=function(a){if(a){for(var b=[],c=angular.lowercase(a),d=0,e=v.length;e>d;d++)b.push(angular.lowercase(v[d])); // Check for an exact match in our list of available keys if(K(b,c)>-1)return a;if(f){var g;for(var h in f)if(f.hasOwnProperty(h)){var i=!1,j=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(f,h)&&angular.lowercase(h)===angular.lowercase(a);if("*"===h.slice(-1)&&(i=h.slice(0,-1)===a.slice(0,h.length-1)),(j||i)&&(g=f[h],K(b,angular.lowercase(g))>-1))return g}} // Check for a language code without region var k=a.split("_");return k.length>1&&K(b,angular.lowercase(k[0]))>-1?k[0]:void 0}},N=function(a,b){if(!a&&!b)return u;if(a&&!b){if(angular.isString(a))return u[a]}else angular.isObject(u[a])||(u[a]={}),angular.extend(u[a],O(b));return this};this.translations=N,/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#cloakClassName * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * * Let's you change the class name for `translate-cloak` directive. * Default class name is `translate-cloak`. * * @param {string} name translate-cloak class name */ this.cloakClassName=function(a){return a?(y=a,this):y},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#nestedObjectDelimeter * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * * Let's you change the delimiter for namespaced translations. * Default delimiter is `.`. * * @param {string} delimiter namespace separator */ this.nestedObjectDelimeter=function(a){return a?(B=a,this):B};/** * @name flatObject * @private * * @description * Flats an object. This function is used to flatten given translation data with * namespaces, so they are later accessible via dot notation. */ var O=function(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g,h;b||(b=[]),c||(c={});for(e in a)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,e)&&(h=a[e],angular.isObject(h)?O(h,b.concat(e),c,e):(f=b.length?""+b.join(B)+B+e:e,b.length&&e===d&&(g=""+b.join(B),c[g]="@:"+f),c[f]=h));return c};O.displayName="flatObject",/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#addInterpolation * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Adds interpolation services to angular-translate, so it can manage them. * * @param {object} factory Interpolation service factory */ this.addInterpolation=function(a){return x.push(a),this},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#useMessageFormatInterpolation * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Tells angular-translate to use interpolation functionality of messageformat.js. * This is useful when having high level pluralization and gender selection. */ this.useMessageFormatInterpolation=function(){return this.useInterpolation("$translateMessageFormatInterpolation")},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#useInterpolation * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Tells angular-translate which interpolation style to use as default, application-wide. * Simply pass a factory/service name. The interpolation service has to implement * the correct interface. * * @param {string} factory Interpolation service name. */ this.useInterpolation=function(a){return n=a,this},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#useSanitizeStrategy * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Simply sets a sanitation strategy type. * * @param {string} value Strategy type. */ this.useSanitizeValueStrategy=function(a){return c.useStrategy(a),this},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#preferredLanguage * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Tells the module which of the registered translation tables to use for translation * at initial startup by passing a language key. Similar to `$translateProvider#use` * only that it says which language to **prefer**. * * @param {string} langKey A language key. */ this.preferredLanguage=function(a){return a?(P(a),this):e};var P=function(a){return a&&(e=a),e};/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#translationNotFoundIndicator * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Sets an indicator which is used when a translation isn't found. E.g. when * setting the indicator as 'X' and one tries to translate a translation id * called `NOT_FOUND`, this will result in `X NOT_FOUND X`. * * Internally this methods sets a left indicator and a right indicator using * `$translateProvider.translationNotFoundIndicatorLeft()` and * `$translateProvider.translationNotFoundIndicatorRight()`. * * **Note**: These methods automatically add a whitespace between the indicators * and the translation id. * * @param {string} indicator An indicator, could be any string. */ this.translationNotFoundIndicator=function(a){return this.translationNotFoundIndicatorLeft(a),this.translationNotFoundIndicatorRight(a),this},/** * ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#translationNotFoundIndicatorLeft * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Sets an indicator which is used when a translation isn't found left to the * translation id. * * @param {string} indicator An indicator. */ this.translationNotFoundIndicatorLeft=function(a){return a?(q=a,this):q},/** * ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#translationNotFoundIndicatorLeft * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Sets an indicator which is used when a translation isn't found right to the * translation id. * * @param {string} indicator An indicator. */ this.translationNotFoundIndicatorRight=function(a){return a?(r=a,this):r},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#fallbackLanguage * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Tells the module which of the registered translation tables to use when missing translations * at initial startup by passing a language key. Similar to `$translateProvider#use` * only that it says which language to **fallback**. * * @param {string||array} langKey A language key. * */ this.fallbackLanguage=function(a){return Q(a),this};var Q=function(a){return a?(angular.isString(a)?(h=!0,g=[a]):angular.isArray(a)&&(h=!1,g=a),angular.isString(e)&&K(g,e)<0&&g.push(e),this):h?g[0]:g};/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#use * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Set which translation table to use for translation by given language key. When * trying to 'use' a language which isn't provided, it'll throw an error. * * You actually don't have to use this method since `$translateProvider#preferredLanguage` * does the job too. * * @param {string} langKey A language key. */ this.use=function(a){if(a){if(!u[a]&&!o) // only throw an error, when not loading translation data asynchronously throw new Error("$translateProvider couldn't find translationTable for langKey: '"+a+"'");return i=a,this}return i},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#resolveClientLocale * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * This returns the current browser/client's language key. The result is processed with the configured uniform tag resolver. * * @returns {string} the current client/browser language key */ this.resolveClientLocale=function(){return J()};/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#storageKey * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Tells the module which key must represent the choosed language by a user in the storage. * * @param {string} key A key for the storage. */ var R=function(a){return a?(w=a,this):l?l+w:w};this.storageKey=R,/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#useUrlLoader * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Tells angular-translate to use `$translateUrlLoader` extension service as loader. * * @param {string} url Url * @param {Object=} options Optional configuration object */ this.useUrlLoader=function(a,b){return this.useLoader("$translateUrlLoader",angular.extend({url:a},b))},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#useStaticFilesLoader * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Tells angular-translate to use `$translateStaticFilesLoader` extension service as loader. * * @param {Object=} options Optional configuration object */ this.useStaticFilesLoader=function(a){return this.useLoader("$translateStaticFilesLoader",a)},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#useLoader * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Tells angular-translate to use any other service as loader. * * @param {string} loaderFactory Factory name to use * @param {Object=} options Optional configuration object */ this.useLoader=function(a,b){return o=a,p=b||{},this},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#useLocalStorage * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Tells angular-translate to use `$translateLocalStorage` service as storage layer. * */ this.useLocalStorage=function(){return this.useStorage("$translateLocalStorage")},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#useCookieStorage * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Tells angular-translate to use `$translateCookieStorage` service as storage layer. */ this.useCookieStorage=function(){return this.useStorage("$translateCookieStorage")},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#useStorage * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Tells angular-translate to use custom service as storage layer. */ this.useStorage=function(a){return k=a,this},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#storagePrefix * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Sets prefix for storage key. * * @param {string} prefix Storage key prefix */ this.storagePrefix=function(a){return a?(l=a,this):a},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#useMissingTranslationHandlerLog * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Tells angular-translate to use built-in log handler when trying to translate * a translation Id which doesn't exist. * * This is actually a shortcut method for `useMissingTranslationHandler()`. * */ this.useMissingTranslationHandlerLog=function(){return this.useMissingTranslationHandler("$translateMissingTranslationHandlerLog")},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#useMissingTranslationHandler * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Expects a factory name which later gets instantiated with `$injector`. * This method can be used to tell angular-translate to use a custom * missingTranslationHandler. Just build a factory which returns a function * and expects a translation id as argument. * * Example: *
   *  app.config(function ($translateProvider) {
   *    $translateProvider.useMissingTranslationHandler('customHandler');
   *  });
   *  app.factory('customHandler', function (dep1, dep2) {
   *    return function (translationId) {
   *      // something with translationId and dep1 and dep2
   *    };
   *  });
* * @param {string} factory Factory name */ this.useMissingTranslationHandler=function(a){return m=a,this},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#usePostCompiling * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * If post compiling is enabled, all translated values will be processed * again with AngularJS' $compile. * * Example: *
   *  app.config(function ($translateProvider) {
   *    $translateProvider.usePostCompiling(true);
   *  });
* * @param {string} factory Factory name */ this.usePostCompiling=function(a){return z=!!a,this},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#forceAsyncReload * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * If force async reload is enabled, async loader will always be called * even if $translationTable already contains the language key, adding * possible new entries to the $translationTable. * * Example: *
   *  app.config(function ($translateProvider) {
   *    $translateProvider.forceAsyncReload(true);
   *  });
* * @param {boolean} value - valid values are true or false */ this.forceAsyncReload=function(a){return A=!!a,this},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#uniformLanguageTag * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Tells angular-translate which language tag should be used as a result when determining * the current browser language. * * This setting must be set before invoking {@link pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#methods_determinePreferredLanguage determinePreferredLanguage()}. * *
   * $translateProvider
   *   .uniformLanguageTag('bcp47')
   *   .determinePreferredLanguage()
* * The resolver currently supports: * * default * (traditionally: hyphens will be converted into underscores, i.e. en-US => en_US) * en-US => en_US * en_US => en_US * en-us => en_us * * java * like default, but the second part will be always in uppercase * en-US => en_US * en_US => en_US * en-us => en_US * * BCP 47 (RFC 4646 & 4647) * en-US => en-US * en_US => en-US * en-us => en-US * * See also: * * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IETF_language_tag * * http://www.w3.org/International/core/langtags/ * * http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47 * * @param {string|object} options - options (or standard) * @param {string} options.standard - valid values are 'default', 'bcp47', 'java' */ this.uniformLanguageTag=function(a){return a?angular.isString(a)&&(a={standard:a}):a={},F=a.standard,this},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#determinePreferredLanguage * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Tells angular-translate to try to determine on its own which language key * to set as preferred language. When `fn` is given, angular-translate uses it * to determine a language key, otherwise it uses the built-in `getLocale()` * method. * * The `getLocale()` returns a language key in the format `[lang]_[country]` or * `[lang]` depending on what the browser provides. * * Use this method at your own risk, since not all browsers return a valid * locale (see {@link pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#methods_uniformLanguageTag uniformLanguageTag()}). * * @param {Function=} fn Function to determine a browser's locale */ this.determinePreferredLanguage=function(a){var b=a&&angular.isFunction(a)?a():J();return e=v.length?M(b)||b:b,this},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#registerAvailableLanguageKeys * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Registers a set of language keys the app will work with. Use this method in * combination with * {@link pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#determinePreferredLanguage determinePreferredLanguage}. * When available languages keys are registered, angular-translate * tries to find the best fitting language key depending on the browsers locale, * considering your language key convention. * * @param {object} languageKeys Array of language keys the your app will use * @param {object=} aliases Alias map. */ this.registerAvailableLanguageKeys=function(a,b){return a?(v=a,b&&(f=b),this):v},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#useLoaderCache * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Registers a cache for internal $http based loaders. * {@link pascalprecht.translate.$translationCache $translationCache}. * When false the cache will be disabled (default). When true or undefined * the cache will be a default (see $cacheFactory). When an object it will * be treat as a cache object itself: the usage is $http({cache: cache}) * * @param {object} cache boolean, string or cache-object */ this.useLoaderCache=function(a){ // disable cache // enable cache using AJS defaults // enable cache using default // enable cache using given one (see $cacheFactory) return a===!1?s=void 0:a===!0?s=!0:"undefined"==typeof a?s="$translationCache":a&&(s=a),this},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#directivePriority * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Sets the default priority of the translate directive. The standard value is `0`. * Calling this function without an argument will return the current value. * * @param {number} priority for the translate-directive */ this.directivePriority=function(a){ // setter with chaining return void 0===a?D:(D=a,this)},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#statefulFilter * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * Since AngularJS 1.3, filters which are not stateless (depending at the scope) * have to explicit define this behavior. * Sets whether the translate filter should be stateful or stateless. The standard value is `true` * meaning being stateful. * Calling this function without an argument will return the current value. * * @param {boolean} state - defines the state of the filter */ this.statefulFilter=function(a){ // setter with chaining return void 0===a?E:(E=a,this)},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#postProcess * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * * @description * The post processor will be intercept right after the translation result. It can modify the result. * * @param {object} fn Function or service name (string) to be called after the translation value has been set / resolved. The function itself will enrich every value being processed and then continue the normal resolver process */ this.postProcess=function(a){return t=a?a:void 0,this},/** * @ngdoc object * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate * @requires $interpolate * @requires $log * @requires $rootScope * @requires $q * * @description * The `$translate` service is the actual core of angular-translate. It expects a translation id * and optional interpolate parameters to translate contents. * *
   *  $translate('HEADLINE_TEXT').then(function (translation) {
   *    $scope.translatedText = translation;
   *  });
* * @param {string|array} translationId A token which represents a translation id * This can be optionally an array of translation ids which * results that the function returns an object where each key * is the translation id and the value the translation. * @param {object=} interpolateParams An object hash for dynamic values * @param {string} interpolationId The id of the interpolation to use * @param {string} forceLanguage A language to be used instead of the current language * @returns {object} promise */ this.$get=["$log","$injector","$rootScope","$q",function(a,b,c,d){var f,l,F,G=b.get(n||"$translateDefaultInterpolation"),I=!1,S={},T={},U=function(a,b,c,h,j){!i&&e&&(i=e);var m=j&&j!==i?// we don't want to re-negotiate $uses M(j)||j:i; // Duck detection: If the first argument is an array, a bunch of translations was requested. // The result is an object. if( // Check forceLanguage is present j&&ja(j),angular.isArray(a)){ // Inspired by Q.allSettled by Kris Kowal // https://github.com/kriskowal/q/blob/b0fa72980717dc202ffc3cbf03b936e10ebbb9d7/q.js#L1553-1563 // This transforms all promises regardless resolved or rejected var n=function(a){for(var e={},f=[],g=function(a){var f=d.defer(),g=function(b){e[a]=b,f.resolve([a,b])}; // we don't care whether the promise was resolved or rejected; just store the values return U(a,b,c,h,j).then(g,g),f.promise},i=0,k=a.length;k>i;i++)f.push(g(a[i])); // wait for all (including storing to results) return d.all(f).then(function(){ // return the results return e})};return n(a)}var o=d.defer(); // trim off any whitespace a&&(a=L.apply(a));var p=function(){var a=e?T[e]:T[m];if(l=0,k&&!a){ // looks like there's no pending promise for $preferredLanguage or // $uses. Maybe there's one pending for a language that comes from // storage. var b=f.get(w);if(a=T[b],g&&g.length){var c=K(g,b); // maybe the language from storage is also defined as fallback language // we increase the fallback language index to not search in that language // as fallback, since it's probably the first used language // in that case the index starts after the first element l=0===c?1:0, // but we can make sure to ALWAYS fallback to preferred language at least K(g,e)<0&&g.push(e)}}return a}();if(p){var q=function(){ // $uses may have changed while waiting j||(m=i),fa(a,b,c,h,m).then(o.resolve,o.reject)};q.displayName="promiseResolved",p["finally"](q)}else // no promise to wait for? okay. Then there's no loader registered // nor is a one pending for language that comes from storage. // We can just translate. fa(a,b,c,h,m).then(o.resolve,o.reject);return o.promise},V=function(a){ // applying notFoundIndicators return q&&(a=[q,a].join(" ")),r&&(a=[a,r].join(" ")),a},W=function(a){i=a,k&&f.put(U.storageKey(),i),c.$emit("$translateChangeSuccess",{language:a}),G.setLocale(i);var b=function(a,b){S[b].setLocale(i)};b.displayName="eachInterpolatorLocaleSetter", // inform all others too! angular.forEach(S,b),c.$emit("$translateChangeEnd",{language:a})},X=function(a){if(!a)throw"No language key specified for loading.";var e=d.defer();c.$emit("$translateLoadingStart",{language:a}),I=!0;var f=s;"string"==typeof f&&( // getting on-demand instance of loader f=b.get(f));var g=angular.extend({},p,{key:a,$http:angular.extend({},{cache:f},p.$http)}),h=function(b){var d={};c.$emit("$translateLoadingSuccess",{language:a}),angular.isArray(b)?angular.forEach(b,function(a){angular.extend(d,O(a))}):angular.extend(d,O(b)),I=!1,e.resolve({key:a,table:d}),c.$emit("$translateLoadingEnd",{language:a})};h.displayName="onLoaderSuccess";var i=function(a){c.$emit("$translateLoadingError",{language:a}),e.reject(a),c.$emit("$translateLoadingEnd",{language:a})};return i.displayName="onLoaderError",b.get(o)(g).then(h,i),e.promise};if(k&&(f=b.get(k),!f.get||!f.put))throw new Error("Couldn't use storage '"+k+"', missing get() or put() method!"); // if we have additional interpolations that were added via // $translateProvider.addInterpolation(), we have to map'em if(x.length){var Y=function(a){var c=b.get(a); // setting initial locale for each interpolation service c.setLocale(e||i), // make'em recognizable through id S[c.getInterpolationIdentifier()]=c};Y.displayName="interpolationFactoryAdder",angular.forEach(x,Y)}/** * @name getTranslationTable * @private * * @description * Returns a promise that resolves to the translation table * or is rejected if an error occurred. * * @param langKey * @returns {Q.promise} */ var Z=function(a){var b=d.defer();if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,a))b.resolve(u[a]);else if(T[a]){var c=function(a){N(a.key,a.table),b.resolve(a.table)};c.displayName="translationTableResolver",T[a].then(c,b.reject)}else b.reject();return b.promise},$=function(a,b,c,e){var f=d.defer(),g=function(d){if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d,b)){e.setLocale(a);var g=d[b];if("@:"===g.substr(0,2))$(a,g.substr(2),c,e).then(f.resolve,f.reject);else{var h=e.interpolate(d[b],c);h=ia(b,d[b],h,c,a),f.resolve(h)}e.setLocale(i)}else f.reject()};return g.displayName="fallbackTranslationResolver",Z(a).then(g,f.reject),f.promise},_=function(a,b,c,d){var e,f=u[a];if(f&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(f,b)){if(d.setLocale(a),e=d.interpolate(f[b],c),"@:"===e.substr(0,2))return _(a,e.substr(2),c,d);d.setLocale(i)}return e},aa=function(a,c,d){ // If we have a handler factory - we might also call it here to determine if it provides // a default text for a translationid that can't be found anywhere in our tables if(m){var e=b.get(m)(a,i,c,d);return void 0!==e?e:a}return a},ba=function(a,b,c,e,f){var h=d.defer();if(a0?F:l,a,b,c,d)},ea=function(a,b,c){ // Start with the fallbackLanguage with index 0 return ca(F>0?F:l,a,b,c)},fa=function(a,b,c,e,f){var h=d.defer(),i=f?u[f]:u,j=c?S[c]:G; // if the translation id exists, we can just interpolate it if(i&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i,a)){var k=i[a]; // If using link, rerun $translate with linked translationId and return it if("@:"===k.substr(0,2))U(k.substr(2),b,c,e,f).then(h.resolve,h.reject);else{ // var l=j.interpolate(k,b);l=ia(a,k,l,b,f),h.resolve(l)}}else{var n; // for logging purposes only (as in $translateMissingTranslationHandlerLog), value is not returned to promise m&&!I&&(n=aa(a,b,e)), // since we couldn't translate the inital requested translation id, // we try it now with one or more fallback languages, if fallback language(s) is // configured. f&&g&&g.length?da(a,b,j,e).then(function(a){h.resolve(a)},function(a){h.reject(V(a))}):m&&!I&&n? // looks like the requested translation id doesn't exists. // Now, if there is a registered handler for missing translations and no // asyncLoader is pending, we execute the handler e?h.resolve(e):h.resolve(n):e?h.resolve(e):h.reject(V(a))}return h.promise},ga=function(a,b,c,d){var e,f=d?u[d]:u,h=G; // if the translation id exists, we can just interpolate it if( // if the interpolation id exists use custom interpolator S&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(S,c)&&(h=S[c]),f&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(f,a)){var i=f[a]; // If using link, rerun $translate with linked translationId and return it e="@:"===i.substr(0,2)?ga(i.substr(2),b,c,d):h.interpolate(i,b)}else{var j; // for logging purposes only (as in $translateMissingTranslationHandlerLog), value is not returned to promise m&&!I&&(j=aa(a,b)), // since we couldn't translate the inital requested translation id, // we try it now with one or more fallback languages, if fallback language(s) is // configured. d&&g&&g.length?(l=0,e=ea(a,b,h)):e=m&&!I&&j?j:V(a)}return e},ha=function(a){j===a&&(j=void 0),T[a]=void 0},ia=function(a,c,d,e,f){var g=t; // getting on-demand instance return g&&("string"==typeof g&&(g=b.get(g)),g)?g(a,c,d,e,f):d},ja=function(a){u[a]||!o||T[a]||(T[a]=X(a).then(function(a){N(a.key,a.table)}))};/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#preferredLanguage * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Returns the language key for the preferred language. * * @param {string} langKey language String or Array to be used as preferredLanguage (changing at runtime) * * @return {string} preferred language key */ U.preferredLanguage=function(a){return a&&P(a),e},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#cloakClassName * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Returns the configured class name for `translate-cloak` directive. * * @return {string} cloakClassName */ U.cloakClassName=function(){return y},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#nestedObjectDelimeter * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Returns the configured delimiter for nested namespaces. * * @return {string} nestedObjectDelimeter */ U.nestedObjectDelimeter=function(){return B},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#fallbackLanguage * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Returns the language key for the fallback languages or sets a new fallback stack. * * @param {string=} langKey language String or Array of fallback languages to be used (to change stack at runtime) * * @return {string||array} fallback language key */ U.fallbackLanguage=function(a){if(void 0!==a&&null!==a){ // as we might have an async loader initiated and a new translation language might have been defined // we need to add the promise to the stack also. So - iterate. if(Q(a),o&&g&&g.length)for(var b=0,c=g.length;c>b;b++)T[g[b]]||(T[g[b]]=X(g[b]));U.use(U.use())}return h?g[0]:g},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#useFallbackLanguage * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Sets the first key of the fallback language stack to be used for translation. * Therefore all languages in the fallback array BEFORE this key will be skipped! * * @param {string=} langKey Contains the langKey the iteration shall start with. Set to false if you want to * get back to the whole stack */ U.useFallbackLanguage=function(a){if(void 0!==a&&null!==a)if(a){var b=K(g,a);b>-1&&(F=b)}else F=0},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#proposedLanguage * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Returns the language key of language that is currently loaded asynchronously. * * @return {string} language key */ U.proposedLanguage=function(){return j},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#storage * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Returns registered storage. * * @return {object} Storage */ U.storage=function(){return f},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#negotiateLocale * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Returns a language key based on available languages and language aliases. If a * language key cannot be resolved, returns undefined. * * If no or a falsy key is given, returns undefined. * * @param {string} [key] Language key * @return {string|undefined} Language key or undefined if no language key is found. */ U.negotiateLocale=M,/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#use * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Tells angular-translate which language to use by given language key. This method is * used to change language at runtime. It also takes care of storing the language * key in a configured store to let your app remember the choosed language. * * When trying to 'use' a language which isn't available it tries to load it * asynchronously with registered loaders. * * Returns promise object with loaded language file data or string of the currently used language. * * If no or a falsy key is given it returns the currently used language key. * The returned string will be ```undefined``` if setting up $translate hasn't finished. * @example * $translate.use("en_US").then(function(data){ * $scope.text = $translate("HELLO"); * }); * * @param {string} [key] Language key * @return {object|string} Promise with loaded language data or the language key if a falsy param was given. */ U.use=function(a){if(!a)return i;var b=d.defer();c.$emit("$translateChangeStart",{language:a}); // Try to get the aliased language key var e=M(a); // Ensure only registered language keys will be loaded // Ensure only registered language keys will be loaded // if there isn't a translation table for the language we've requested, // we load it asynchronously // we are already loading this asynchronously // resolve our new deferred when the old langPromise is resolved return v.length>0&&!e?d.reject(a):(e&&(a=e),j=a,!A&&u[a]||!o||T[a]?T[a]?T[a].then(function(a){return j===a.key&&W(a.key),b.resolve(a.key),a},function(a){return!i&&g&&g.length>0?U.use(g[0]).then(b.resolve,b.reject):b.reject(a)}):(b.resolve(a),W(a)):(T[a]=X(a).then(function(c){return N(c.key,c.table),b.resolve(c.key),j===a&&W(c.key),c},function(a){return c.$emit("$translateChangeError",{language:a}),b.reject(a),c.$emit("$translateChangeEnd",{language:a}),d.reject(a)}),T[a]["finally"](function(){ha(a)})),b.promise)},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#resolveClientLocale * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * This returns the current browser/client's language key. The result is processed with the configured uniform tag resolver. * * @returns {string} the current client/browser language key */ U.resolveClientLocale=function(){return J()},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#storageKey * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Returns the key for the storage. * * @return {string} storage key */ U.storageKey=function(){return R()},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#isPostCompilingEnabled * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Returns whether post compiling is enabled or not * * @return {bool} storage key */ U.isPostCompilingEnabled=function(){return z},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#isForceAsyncReloadEnabled * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Returns whether force async reload is enabled or not * * @return {boolean} forceAsyncReload value */ U.isForceAsyncReloadEnabled=function(){return A},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#refresh * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Refreshes a translation table pointed by the given langKey. If langKey is not specified, * the module will drop all existent translation tables and load new version of those which * are currently in use. * * Refresh means that the module will drop target translation table and try to load it again. * * In case there are no loaders registered the refresh() method will throw an Error. * * If the module is able to refresh translation tables refresh() method will broadcast * $translateRefreshStart and $translateRefreshEnd events. * * @example * // this will drop all currently existent translation tables and reload those which are * // currently in use * $translate.refresh(); * // this will refresh a translation table for the en_US language * $translate.refresh('en_US'); * * @param {string} langKey A language key of the table, which has to be refreshed * * @return {promise} Promise, which will be resolved in case a translation tables refreshing * process is finished successfully, and reject if not. */ U.refresh=function(a){function b(){f.resolve(),c.$emit("$translateRefreshEnd",{language:a})}function e(){f.reject(),c.$emit("$translateRefreshEnd",{language:a})}if(!o)throw new Error("Couldn't refresh translation table, no loader registered!");var f=d.defer();if(c.$emit("$translateRefreshStart",{language:a}),a)if(u[a]){var h=function(c){N(c.key,c.table),a===i&&W(i),b()};h.displayName="refreshPostProcessor",X(a).then(h,e)}else e();else{ // if there's no language key specified we refresh ALL THE THINGS! var j=[],k={}; // reload registered fallback languages if(g&&g.length)for(var l=0,m=g.length;m>l;l++)j.push(X(g[l])),k[g[l]]=!0; // reload currently used language i&&!k[i]&&j.push(X(i));var n=function(a){u={},angular.forEach(a,function(a){N(a.key,a.table)}),i&&W(i),b()};n.displayName="refreshPostProcessor",d.all(j).then(n,e)}return f.promise},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#instant * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Returns a translation instantly from the internal state of loaded translation. All rules * regarding the current language, the preferred language of even fallback languages will be * used except any promise handling. If a language was not found, an asynchronous loading * will be invoked in the background. * * @param {string|array} translationId A token which represents a translation id * This can be optionally an array of translation ids which * results that the function's promise returns an object where * each key is the translation id and the value the translation. * @param {object} interpolateParams Params * @param {string} interpolationId The id of the interpolation to use * @param {string} forceLanguage A language to be used instead of the current language * * @return {string|object} translation */ U.instant=function(a,b,c,d){ // we don't want to re-negotiate $uses var f=d&&d!==i?// we don't want to re-negotiate $uses M(d)||d:i; // Detect undefined and null values to shorten the execution and prevent exceptions if(null===a||angular.isUndefined(a))return a; // Duck detection: If the first argument is an array, a bunch of translations was requested. // The result is an object. if( // Check forceLanguage is present d&&ja(d),angular.isArray(a)){for(var h={},j=0,k=a.length;k>j;j++)h[a[j]]=U.instant(a[j],b,c,d);return h} // We discarded unacceptable values. So we just need to verify if translationId is empty String if(angular.isString(a)&&a.length<1)return a; // trim off any whitespace a&&(a=L.apply(a));var l,n=[];e&&n.push(e),f&&n.push(f),g&&g.length&&(n=n.concat(g));for(var o=0,p=n.length;p>o;o++){var s=n[o];if(u[s]&&"undefined"!=typeof u[s][a]&&(l=ga(a,b,c,f)),"undefined"!=typeof l)break} // Return translation of default interpolator if not found anything. return l||""===l||(q||r?l=V(a):(l=G.interpolate(a,b),m&&!I&&(l=aa(a,b)))),l},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#versionInfo * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Returns the current version information for the angular-translate library * * @return {string} angular-translate version */ U.versionInfo=function(){return H},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#loaderCache * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Returns the defined loaderCache. * * @return {boolean|string|object} current value of loaderCache */ U.loaderCache=function(){return s}, // internal purpose only U.directivePriority=function(){return D}, // internal purpose only U.statefulFilter=function(){return E},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#isReady * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Returns whether the service is "ready" to translate (i.e. loading 1st language). * * See also {@link pascalprecht.translate.$translate#methods_onReady onReady()}. * * @return {boolean} current value of ready */ U.isReady=function(){return C};var ka=d.defer();ka.promise.then(function(){C=!0}),/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#onReady * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * Returns whether the service is "ready" to translate (i.e. loading 1st language). * * See also {@link pascalprecht.translate.$translate#methods_isReady isReady()}. * * @param {Function=} fn Function to invoke when service is ready * @return {object} Promise resolved when service is ready */ U.onReady=function(a){var b=d.defer();return angular.isFunction(a)&&b.promise.then(a),C?b.resolve():ka.promise.then(b.resolve),b.promise},/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translate#getAvailableLanguageKeys * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translate * * @description * This function simply returns the registered language keys being defined before in the config phase * With this, an application can use the array to provide a language selection dropdown or similar * without any additional effort * * @returns {object} returns the list of possibly registered language keys and mapping or null if not defined */ U.getAvailableLanguageKeys=function(){return v.length>0?v:null}; // Whenever $translateReady is being fired, this will ensure the state of $isReady var la=c.$on("$translateReady",function(){ka.resolve(),la(),// one time only la=null}),ma=c.$on("$translateChangeEnd",function(){ka.resolve(),ma(),// one time only ma=null});if(o){ // Also, if there are any fallback language registered, we start // loading them asynchronously as soon as we can. if( // If at least one async loader is defined and there are no // (default) translations available we should try to load them. angular.equals(u,{})&&U.use()&&U.use(U.use()),g&&g.length)for(var na=function(a){return N(a.key,a.table),c.$emit("$translateChangeEnd",{language:a.key}),a},oa=0,pa=g.length;pa>oa;oa++){var qa=g[oa];!A&&u[qa]||(T[qa]=X(qa).then(na))}}else c.$emit("$translateReady",{language:U.use()});return U}]}function d(a,b){"use strict";var c,d={},e="default";/** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateDefaultInterpolation#setLocale * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateDefaultInterpolation * * @description * Sets current locale (this is currently not use in this interpolation). * * @param {string} locale Language key or locale. */ /** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateDefaultInterpolation#getInterpolationIdentifier * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateDefaultInterpolation * * @description * Returns an identifier for this interpolation service. * * @returns {string} $identifier */ /** * @deprecated will be removed in 3.0 * @see {@link pascalprecht.translate.$translateSanitization} */ /** * @ngdoc function * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateDefaultInterpolation#interpolate * @methodOf pascalprecht.translate.$translateDefaultInterpolation * * @description * Interpolates given string agains given interpolate params using angulars * `$interpolate` service. * * @returns {string} interpolated string. */ return d.setLocale=function(a){c=a},d.getInterpolationIdentifier=function(){return e},d.useSanitizeValueStrategy=function(a){return b.useStrategy(a),this},d.interpolate=function(c,d){d=d||{},d=b.sanitize(d,"params");var e=a(c)(d);return e=b.sanitize(e,"text")},d}function e(a,b,c,d,e,g){"use strict";/** * @name trim * @private * * @description * trim polyfill * * @returns {string} The string stripped of whitespace from both ends */ var h=function(){return this.toString().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")};return{restrict:"AE",scope:!0,priority:a.directivePriority(),compile:function(b,i){var j=i.translateValues?i.translateValues:void 0,k=i.translateInterpolation?i.translateInterpolation:void 0,l=b[0].outerHTML.match(/translate-value-+/i),m="^(.*)("+c.startSymbol()+".*"+c.endSymbol()+")(.*)",n="^(.*)"+c.startSymbol()+"(.*)"+c.endSymbol()+"(.*)";return function(b,o,p){b.interpolateParams={},b.preText="",b.postText="",b.translateNamespace=f(b);var q={},r=function(a,c,d){ // initially fetch all attributes if existing and fill the params if( // initial setup c.translateValues&&angular.extend(a,e(c.translateValues)(b.$parent)),l)for(var f in d)if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c,f)&&"translateValue"===f.substr(0,14)&&"translateValues"!==f){var g=angular.lowercase(f.substr(14,1))+f.substr(15);a[g]=d[f]}},s=function(a){if( // Remove any old watcher angular.isFunction(s._unwatchOld)&&(s._unwatchOld(),s._unwatchOld=void 0),angular.equals(a,"")||!angular.isDefined(a)){var d=h.apply(o.text()),e=d.match(m); // Interpolate translation id if required if(angular.isArray(e)){b.preText=e[1],b.postText=e[3],q.translate=c(e[2])(b.$parent);var f=d.match(n);angular.isArray(f)&&f[2]&&f[2].length&&(s._unwatchOld=b.$watch(f[2],function(a){q.translate=a,y()}))}else // do not assigne the translation id if it is empty. q.translate=d?d:void 0}else q.translate=a;y()},t=function(a){p.$observe(a,function(b){q[a]=b,y()})}; // initial setup with values r(b.interpolateParams,p,i);var u=!0;p.$observe("translate",function(a){"undefined"==typeof a? // case of element "xyz" s(""): // case of regular attribute ""===a&&u||(q.translate=a,y()),u=!1});for(var v in p)p.hasOwnProperty(v)&&"translateAttr"===v.substr(0,13)&&t(v);if(p.$observe("translateDefault",function(a){b.defaultText=a,y()}),j&&p.$observe("translateValues",function(a){a&&b.$parent.$watch(function(){angular.extend(b.interpolateParams,e(a)(b.$parent))})}),l){var w=function(a){p.$observe(a,function(c){var d=angular.lowercase(a.substr(14,1))+a.substr(15);b.interpolateParams[d]=c})};for(var x in p)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(p,x)&&"translateValue"===x.substr(0,14)&&"translateValues"!==x&&w(x)} // Master update function var y=function(){for(var a in q)q.hasOwnProperty(a)&&void 0!==q[a]&&z(a,q[a],b,b.interpolateParams,b.defaultText,b.translateNamespace)},z=function(b,c,d,e,f,g){c?( // if translation id starts with '.' and translateNamespace given, prepend namespace g&&"."===c.charAt(0)&&(c=g+c),a(c,e,k,f,d.translateLanguage).then(function(a){A(a,d,!0,b)},function(a){A(a,d,!1,b)})): // as an empty string cannot be translated, we can solve this using successful=false A(c,d,!1,b)},A=function(b,c,e,f){if(e||"undefined"!=typeof c.defaultText&&(b=c.defaultText),"translate"===f){ // default translate into innerHTML (e||!e&&"undefined"==typeof p.translateKeepContent)&&o.empty().append(c.preText+b+c.postText);var g=a.isPostCompilingEnabled(),h="undefined"!=typeof i.translateCompile,j=h&&"false"!==i.translateCompile;(g&&!h||j)&&d(o.contents())(c)}else{ // translate attribute var k=p.$attr[f];"data-"===k.substr(0,5)&&( // ensure html5 data prefix is stripped k=k.substr(5)),k=k.substr(15),o.attr(k,b)}};(j||l||p.translateDefault)&&b.$watch("interpolateParams",y,!0); // Replaced watcher on translateLanguage with event listener var B=b.$on("translateLanguageChanged",y),C=g.$on("$translateChangeSuccess",y); // ensure translation will be looked up at least one o.text().length?s(p.translate?p.translate:""):p.translate&& // ensure attribute will be not skipped s(p.translate),y(),b.$on("$destroy",function(){B(),C()})}}}}/** * Returns the scope's namespace. * @private * @param scope * @returns {string} */ function f(a){"use strict";return a.translateNamespace?a.translateNamespace:a.$parent?f(a.$parent):void 0}function g(a,b){"use strict";return{compile:function(c){var d=function(){c.addClass(a.cloakClassName())},e=function(){c.removeClass(a.cloakClassName())};return a.onReady(function(){e()}),d(),function(c,f,g){g.translateCloak&&g.translateCloak.length&&( // Register a watcher for the defined translation allowing a fine tuned cloak g.$observe("translateCloak",function(b){a(b).then(e,d)}), // Register for change events as this is being another indicicator revalidating the cloak) b.$on("$translateChangeSuccess",function(){a(g.translateCloak).then(e,d)}))}}}}function h(){"use strict";return{restrict:"A",scope:!0,compile:function(){return{pre:function(a,b,c){a.translateNamespace=f(a),a.translateNamespace&&"."===c.translateNamespace.charAt(0)?a.translateNamespace+=c.translateNamespace:a.translateNamespace=c.translateNamespace}}}}}/** * Returns the scope's namespace. * @private * @param scope * @returns {string} */ function f(a){"use strict";return a.translateNamespace?a.translateNamespace:a.$parent?f(a.$parent):void 0}function i(){"use strict";return{restrict:"A",scope:!0,compile:function(){return function(a,b,c){c.$observe("translateLanguage",function(b){a.translateLanguage=b}),a.$watch("translateLanguage",function(){a.$broadcast("translateLanguageChanged")})}}}}function j(a,b){"use strict";var c=function(c,d,e,f){return angular.isObject(d)||(d=a(d)(this)),b.instant(c,d,e,f)};return b.statefulFilter()&&(c.$stateful=!0),c}function k(a){"use strict";return a("translations")}/** * @ngdoc overview * @name pascalprecht.translate * * @description * The main module which holds everything together. */ /** * @ngdoc object * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateSanitizationProvider * * @description * * Configurations for $translateSanitization */ /** * @ngdoc object * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider * @description * * $translateProvider allows developers to register translation-tables, asynchronous loaders * and similar to configure translation behavior directly inside of a module. * */ /** * @ngdoc object * @name pascalprecht.translate.$translateDefaultInterpolation * @requires $interpolate * * @description * Uses angular's `$interpolate` services to interpolate strings against some values. * * Be aware to configure a proper sanitization strategy. * * See also: * * {@link pascalprecht.translate.$translateSanitization} * * @return {object} $translateDefaultInterpolation Interpolator service */ return a.$inject=["$translate"],c.$inject=["$STORAGE_KEY","$windowProvider","$translateSanitizationProvider","pascalprechtTranslateOverrider"],d.$inject=["$interpolate","$translateSanitization"],e.$inject=["$translate","$q","$interpolate","$compile","$parse","$rootScope"],g.$inject=["$translate","$rootScope"],j.$inject=["$parse","$translate"],k.$inject=["$cacheFactory"],angular.module("pascalprecht.translate",["ng"]).run(a),a.displayName="runTranslate",angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").provider("$translateSanitization",b),angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").constant("pascalprechtTranslateOverrider",{}).provider("$translate",c),c.displayName="displayName",angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").factory("$translateDefaultInterpolation",d),d.displayName="$translateDefaultInterpolation",angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").constant("$STORAGE_KEY","NG_TRANSLATE_LANG_KEY"),angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").directive("translate",e),e.displayName="translateDirective",angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").directive("translateCloak",g),g.displayName="translateCloakDirective",angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").directive("translateNamespace",h),h.displayName="translateNamespaceDirective",angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").directive("translateLanguage",i),i.displayName="translateLanguageDirective",angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").filter("translate",j),j.displayName="translateFilterFactory",angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").factory("$translationCache",k),k.displayName="$translationCache","pascalprecht.translate"});